Our mission is to provide support to manufacturing and monozukuri companies that are trying to make changes with the commitment of their top management in order to increase their profits and achieve social contribution by implementing organizational reform strategies that fundamentally change product development, marketing reforms that maximize customer value, and development process reforms that enhance the utilization of internal knowledge assets, and to implement reforms that enhance the company’s ability to innovate and enable continuous growth.

The Japanese manufacturing industry, which has dominated the world with its ability to produce high-quality, inexpensive products, has lost its advantage since 2000 due to the advancement of production technology in countries around the world and the globalization of supply chains, and combined with intensifying competition, has lost its former momentum.

In order to expand the product business that each company had built up, having a large number of engineers and making efficiency in product development the number one priority was the most effective way of thinking to continuously improve corporate performance.

As competition intensifies, product lifecycles are becoming shorter and shorter, and more and more products are required to be released to the market in a shorter period of time. As a result, many companies find it difficult to create new concept products and new products with high added value.

Product development processes, methods, and organizational structures may be so far out of the gate that there is no time to question one’s own methods.

I also believe that many companies are hesitant to reform because they have been entrenched in their organizations for a long time.

There are also glimpses of companies that are too busy to undertake reforms in the first place.

However, if we are now in a negative spiral, the situation will only get worse if we do not take action quickly.

FutureShip has a unique know-how on how to reform organizational capabilities and create hit products and businesses that has been practiced in several global companies and manufacturing industries.

We have the know-how to implement Lean Product Development as practiced by Toyota as a successful case study, Job Theory, TOC (Theory of Constraints), and Design Thinking, which have been attracting attention in the United States, in real organizations.

By combining the essence of methods that are widely used in the world, rather than imitating and developing the form of the methods, we aim to capture the real problems and issues of each company and change many manufacturing companies to a highly profitable structure with a strategic approach, thereby making Japan’s manufacturing industry strong again.

We aim to return to the original state of product development organizations and increase the probability of successful innovation by fundamentally reviewing not only superficial development methods, such as improving development efficiency, dramatically reducing backtracking, and taking an essential knowledge-based approach to development, but also the way development should be and the way of thinking and approaching things to bring about innovation.

In addition, by combining the above innovation methods with a management approach that puts the joy of employees first, we will strongly promote the creation of many companies that will grow continuously.