Innovating product development in the manufacturing industry throughout Japan, based in Yokohama

Based in Yokohama, we provide consulting services for product development reform, specializing in solving management issues arising from product development for manufacturing companies throughout Japan.


  • Global (Japan, U.S., China, Europe) / Familiarity with development sites of many products
  • Professionals with thorough knowledge of development organization reform and development process reform procedures

Our main business is consulting services for companies, and we also focus on human resource development services for engineers.

Our mission is to make the Japanese manufacturing industry once again a force to be reckoned with in the world, and we aim to create organizations and human resources that continue to learn and grow on their own.



  • Specializing in Product Development Organization Reform in the Manufacturing Industry
  • Based in Yokohama, we support manufacturing companies throughout Japan
  • Rather than teaching methods, we find the root problem and reform strategically
  • Focus on building individuals and organizations that think and act on their own

Futureship is a specialist in solving the challenges of product development organizations in the manufacturing industry.

We use our experience in multiple manufacturing and product development sites in Japan and the U.S. to get to the bottom of organizational problems.

We understand the goals of our clients, and through objective analysis and diagnosis, we propose and implement solutions that are tailored to the company’s situation and circumstances.

First, please test your communication skills through an interview.


Deep concerns about product development


* A deep-rooted and complex problem that many manufacturer companies have fallen into.

What lies at the root of this negative cycle is…

The root of the negative cycle is a decline in the “thinking ability” of individuals and organizations.

As a result of “mass production of development” over a long period of time, we believe that we need to rebuild our people and organization.

Futureship’s services are

  • Focus on the “individual strength” and “organizational strength” of employees,
  • continue to transform while emphasizing the balance between the two,
  • increase profits through short-term development that thoroughly eliminates waste.

Our motto is to work together until the end to achieve success.


Futureship Corporate support

Tools and development methods to be used

  • Toyota’s Lean Product Development Method
  • TOC (Theory of Constraints)
  • Job Theory (Jobs to be Done method)

Don’t just rely on development methods and tools, but innovate according to the actual situation of the company.

Improving basic brain power of engineers

  • Logical thinking skills
  • Power of Abstraction
  • Power of Essence
  • Questioning ability
  • Storytelling ability

We will not only increase our knowledge, but also strengthen our ability to think and transform our organization into one where each of us can move.

Improve organizational strength

  • Company inventory
  • Goal Setting
  • Understanding the nature of innovation
  • The three key elements for increasing profits
  • Formulate a profitable strategy

Unifying the values of the organization and radically changing communication

Implementation support

  • Knowledge Base Development
  • Knowledge management through A3 reporting
  • Organizational Restructuring for Continuous Growth

We will run with you until the end.


Consulting Services

As a development consultant and technology consultant, I help client companies with organizational reform, strategy formulation, and implementation, using the seven steps of development strategy.

We can customize our services to suit your situation.

Service delivery method (example)

  • Regular visits twice a month for employee training and project execution support
  • On-site project support once a week
  • Employee training once a month
  • Other services available upon request

Examples of Service Provision

  • Medium-sized measuring instrument manufacturer: Development process reform
  • Metal processing manufacturer: New business launch support
  • Major consumer electronics manufacturer: Development time reduction
  • Public research institute: Human resource development support
  • Medical device manufacturer: Development strategy planning and implementation support

*We also provide open training for the general public (skill improvement courses for engineers).