Human resource development for young engineers, a concern for HR departments
- Both the direct supervisor and the employee are too busy with their daily work to make a serious effort.
- Because of the wide range of technical fields, it is difficult to set goals, resulting in vague goals.
- They only plan to receive education and seminars, but cannot expect significant results.
Our company has been involved in the education and training of more than 1,000 engineers, and we can offer you an innovative career development system
Main Content
- 7-step Career Development HR System to Motivate You
- Step1 : Take stock of yourself
- Step2 : Clarify how you are different from others (Positioning)
- Step3 : Decide who you will contribute to and what you will contribute to (customers)
- Step4 : Redefine your life purpose and immediate goals
- Step5 : Take stock of your knowledge and determine your content
- Step6 : Brush up your content by disseminating it internally and externally (Nurturing)
- Step7 : Compare and evaluate the goals and the development of the content.
- Understanding the background behind the failure of conventional human resource development
- Three points to keep in mind when systematizing career development
7-step Career Development HR System to Motivate You
The most important thing is that the goals set are specific to the individual and that the results of their efforts are clearly visible
The career development system that we propose starts with the idea of giving each individual a killer content.
The “content” can be a technical field or a specific piece of know-how. It is not just saying “I will do my best in this field,” but it is something that has concrete contents (content), something that can give concrete guidance to others, something that can take shape as presentation materials or papers, and something that can be used as a “weapon” to gain recognition within and outside the company. It is a “weapon” that enables a person to be recognized internally and externally.
Killer content is something that is unique to that person, beneficial to the company, and recognized both internally and externally.
We will help you achieve your life’s purpose by setting up your own unique “content” and making it the No. 1 content, or “killer content.
The overall picture of the career development system we propose is shown below.

Step 1 : Take an inventory of yourself
It is surprisingly difficult to understand yourself objectively. There are things that you think you know, but you don’t.
A person’s personality is created by the events of each day since birth, and the changes in emotions.
When you look back deeply and examine yourself and the third person, an unexpected side of you will emerge, and you will see what you can do now and what you really want to do.
We can provide you with the framework you need to take stock
Step 2 : Identify what makes you different from others (positioning)
We will find out what makes us No. 1.
To do this, you will develop the habit of being aware of your differences from others.
It also gives you the power to express yourself and is the starting point of your motivation (drive) to develop yourself.
Positioning may change as you apply the PDCA cycle.
Step 3 : Decide who you are going to contribute to and what you are going to contribute to (customers)
In determining your positioning and contents, it is important to decide who you will contribute to (customers).
In this age of 100 years of life, the company is not the only place where a person can exist. It is very important to decide who you will influence throughout your life, who you will associate with in your life, and what you will get in return through that.
It is also important to determine your purpose in life.
Step 4 : Redefine your life purpose and immediate goals
A life purpose is something that you will spend your whole life to achieve; in a sense, it could be called a person’s aspiration.
Goals are specific (quantifiable) items to be accomplished in a certain period of time with the life purpose in mind.
I think they are set for a span of one year, or even three years in some cases
I think that a career plan is a goal in human resource development.
In fact, many people (an estimated 80% or more) do not have a clear purpose and goal in life
However, we also know that many successful people were well aware of their purpose and goals.
Step 5 : Take stock of your knowledge and decide on the content
Once you have decided on your positioning, customers, objectives, and goals, decide on the contents by taking stock of your knowledge and in accordance with them.
Determine the content in a way that concretizes your goal of becoming No. 1 in this area.
You need to think about the content as if it will become your own signature.
Step 6 : : Brush up the content by disseminating it internally and externally (Nurturing)
A specific goal is set for the person to nurture the content, but this is the important part of the system.
Simply having the person continue to create content is not nurturing.
By providing a place for them to publish their content, we can create a system where they can receive feedback on their content.
By providing a place to publish and present your content and a system to do so, you will be able to nurture your content while maintaining your own motivation.
I believe that getting good feedback will also help build your confidence.
Step 7 : Compare and evaluate the goals and the development of the content.
This is the final step of the system.
A third party (your supervisor) will evaluate the content that you have been sending out and compare it to your goals for each period of time.
It is important not to evaluate the content based on your supervisor’s sense
In other words, by reflecting feedback from the customers you have targeted in the evaluation, objectivity and accuracy can be ensured, and the motivation of the employee can be maintained.
Understanding the background behind the failure of conventional human resource development
Human resource development is both an individual issue and a corporate management issue.
However, it is a fact that career plans and human resource development plans as a system do not work well as daily work takes priority.
By considering the circumstances that prevent human resource development from being fully activated, I believe that the implementation of a career development system can proceed smoothly.
The Role of the Direct Supervisor
When considering human resource development and career planning as a system, the role of the immediate supervisor is very important
- The first priority is to achieve results in daily work.
- Expectations of subordinates are focused on the immediate future.
- I can’t be responsible for the future of my subordinates.
Well, with this kind of background, I feel that it is somewhat unreasonable to put this great responsibility on middle management unless the direct supervisor has the same level of passion as the manager.
本Gap between the person’s awareness and wisdom
I think there are very few people who do not want to improve themselves.
Even though the desire for upward mobility may be strong or weak, almost all of us are looking for a visible upward mobility, such as promotion or advancement, or something less visible, such as a change to a rewarding and rich life.
However, I believe that even if people have this desire, they do not know how to achieve it.
When thinking about human resource development and career planning, what they lack is the following
- Setting life goals (high goals)
- Objective understanding of their own position
- Setting rivals (competitors)
- Understanding the benefits of achieving the goa
Based on my own experience in human resource development, I believe that these are the most important factors
I once asked each of my 150 subordinates.
- What is your happiness?
- What kind of person are you aiming for? Can you give me a specific name?
Can you name a specific person?
If you are a manager reading this article, please try asking your subordinates the same question.
I am sure that many of them were confused by the sudden question, but about 80% of them set their goals as their current job, happiness in their current environment, their close seniors, or their parents.
For example, I don’t disagree with the idea of having a father as a goal, and I’m sure he’s a really great person, but I wondered if there were really no others.
From this question, I could tell that he didn’t look at the outside world much in setting his goals, and that he didn’t have a clear idea of what he wanted to gain from achieving his goals.
Also, when I was working for a major company, I took care of about seven future executive candidates and gave them special training.
At that time, I realized that many engineers were very lax in their evaluation of themselves, especially in terms of comparison with others, and that their thoughts about the future were mixed up with the objective analysis they needed to do.
Although I pointed this out to them each time, in many cases they were not convinced (those who understand would understand if I told them), and I knew at that time that I needed to do something about this.
自I believe that it is absolutely necessary when developing human resources and designing careers to look at oneself objectively, to be aware of and compare with the outside world and others, to be stimulated by the outside world and set high goals, and to be fully aware of the benefits to be gained from achieving goals.
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Three Cautions on Systematizing Career Advancement
The concept of career advancement that we propose is a very effective one.
However, there are three points to keep in mind when systemizing this concept within a company。
- The Importance of Getting Everyone to Understand the Essential Meaning of “Content
- The danger of talented people leaving the company after realizing the know-how to go independent
- The need for marketing thinking in running this system
1.The Importance of Getting Everyone to Understand the Essential Meaning of “Content
First of all, the concept of “content” must be firmly understood by both the management side of the system and the people themselves, in other words, the entire company, or the system will become a skeleton.
Our career development system was originally created as a program to provide veteran engineers who are approaching retirement with the know-how to turn their skills into business tools and start their own business after retirement (see “Senior Entrepreneurship Preparation Seminar”)
In other words, “contents” can be the tools of a person’s trade for the rest of his or her life, so it is meaningless unless the management and engineers have a firm understanding of this concept.
The first thing to keep in mind is to make sure that everyone understands this concept.
2.The danger of talented people leaving the company after realizing the know-how to go independent
This career advancement system can also be a double-edged blade for companies
In other words, if the “content” could originally be a tool for veteran engineers to become independent, it could equally be a lifelong tool of commerce for young engineers.
Then, as the “content” grows, the more talented people may go out
The second point to keep in mind is to make sure that you are both nurturing talented people and keeping them in the company.
However, in fact, on the flip side, it can be said that the truly excellent people are already aware of this concept.
If a company focuses on human resource development, and if it pays off, and if the best people graduate from the company and start their own businesses, the company’s visibility may increase if it sees this in a positive light.
Google, for example, is famous for having many entrepreneurs among its graduates
Isn’t a training program that can nurture entrepreneurs the kind of HR system that companies are looking for now?
3.The need for marketing thinking in running this system
I also believe that marketing thinking is necessary when it comes to content.
- Who will enjoy the content (who is the customer?)
- What is the difference between the content and other people’s content (positioning)?
- What de company gain from that content (customer value)?
- How much will I benefit from having that content (profit/business model)?
I would like you to understand that thinking about career design and career planning is really a marketing concept.
One aspect of marketing is to create a system to sell products, but the concept of marketing can and should be used for purposes other than selling products.
It is a way of thinking that is necessary in all aspects of corporate activities. When passing a proposal to upper management, we should assume that upper management is the customer and think about the proposal from that standpoint, and in this case of career development, the ultimate goal of developing oneself is to be recognized by others as a result, in other words, to have others adopt and choose you.
The third thing to keep in mind is that marketing thinking should be taken as an organization, and marketing thinking should be introduced into the career advancement HR system as well
Leave the practice and implementation to us.
We have the experience to support you in disseminating the significance of the content, setting up the system in steps 6 and 7, and spreading the marketing thinking that is the basis of this system.
If you are interested, please fill out the form below. We will contact you.